Dog Kennels for Veterinarians

The health and well-being of your patients matter.
We know that your veterinary facility needs a LOT of equipment - and the kennels shouldn't have to be the toughest choice to make. Our standard built-in features makes the kennels more like tools rather just a place to house your patients. Keep track of patient records by attaching them directly to the gate! The built-in clipboard clip reduces the hassle of trying to remember where you left the patient records while they are staying with you.
A Professional Look
We also have the ability to make the kennels fit the style of your facility. If you are going for a more modern look, we can keep the gates very plain with clean angles. Or if you want something less industrial - we can do that too! With multiple colors to choose from, we can match just about any style.
Kennels Engineered to Stay Clean
The kennels are made from materials that are naturally anti-microbial and easy to clean! This not only reduces the risk of cross-contamination, it also makes your sanitizing procedures simple. Use your favorite disinfectant to knock down any disease before it can spread throuhout your facility.
Our veterinary kennels consist of the following parts/pieces:

Corner Wall Bracket

Kennel Back / Side Panels

Kennel Door - Half Glass

Kennel Door - Full Glass

Kennel Gate - Half Slotted