Corner Post Kit

✓ Modular Kennel System
✓ Anodized Aluminum
✓ 6ft tall

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The post is the main support structure for our Commercial Dog Kennels. Using this post, you can attach panels or gates to create the kennel layout of your choice! Pre-drilled holes on all four sides allow you to attach panels to any side of the post for an endless array of layout options!


Posts elimate the trip-hazard commonly found in kennels built by other manufacturers

We opted to use posts to support the corners of our kennels in order to avoid the hazardous bar that most other kennel manufacturers have below their front gates. We can eliminate this bar because your existing floor acts as the horizontal spacer that keeps the side panels the correct distance apart when the posts are anchored in place. This makes it much safer and easier to get into and out of the kennel. It is also easier to clean the front of the kennel - which is where all of the action takes place!

We supply concrete anchors to anchor the post to your floor. We highly recommend you anchor the posts that are supporting the gates. This will keep the dogs from pushing the kennels around and it will help keep the gates lined up for proper latch function. 

The corner post also act as a convenient place to hang other equipment

Our posts have holes drilled in all four sides - which gives you some extra opportunities to hang other equipment you might need for the kennel! One example is a leash-hook to stow away the collars, leashes, etc that you remove from the dogs before putting them in the kennel. The post is also a great place to attach the buisiness-end of the rope or cable you are using to activate your guillotine doors!

Post measures 5" x 5" x 72" tall


  • 6ft Anodized aluminum post.
  • Post Foot bracket to attach to the floor.
  • 4 Concrete anchors (if your floor is not concrete, please be sure to use the appropriate anchor).
  • Plastic cover for the bottom of the post to hide the hardware where the post is bolted to the floor.
  • Plastic Cap for the top of the post to keep hair out of the middle.
Gator Kennels Product Catalog
Dog Kennel Assembly Instructions
Learn more about sloped floors in your kennel facility.
Replacement Parts for Dog Kennels