Adopt a Cat Month!

June is National Adopt a Cat Month, so in honor of this we are going to talk a little about cat rescues and shelters.
The majority of animal rescues and shelters today are much different from many years back. They are filled with loving volunteers and employees that genuinely care about the dogs and cats and their futures.
Did you know (as of 2018)......
3.2 million cats enter shelters every year
860,000 of those are euthanized
Of those 3.2 million cats at the shelters, 1.6 million get adopted
90,000 get returned to their owners
And that there are 85.8 million cats owned in the United States
(ASPCA, 2019)
Adoption is the most common way to get a new cat. And most cats end up in the shelters due to unavoidable housing issues.
So June is the month when the spotlight is on the rescues and shelters and their adoption rates skyrocket!
Whether you are a cat lover looking for a new family member or a rescue worker, there are definitely things to be aware of. The biggest thing is the health of the cat, not only when the cat arrives at the facility but also it's ongoing health while waiting for it's forever home.
According to an article on, (Wondra, 2008), the top 7 health concerns for adoptable cats at rescues are:
- Upper Respiratory Infections
- Feline Distemper
- Ringworm
- Stress
- Feline Leukemia
- External Parasites like Fleas
- Intestinal Parasites
While most of these illnesses can be cured by medication, the cost to the facility and the potential owner can be really costly. The article suggests the new owner should take the new cat straight to their desired veterinarian before taking it home and collecting all the records from the facility. But the actions need to start at the rescue or shelter. Keeping the cages clean and uncrowded can really be key to healthy kitties.
At Gator Kennels we build a unit that we like to call our Cat-Hotel, also known as cat condo cages, cat housing, cat kennels, well you get the idea. Our Cat-Hotel is ideal for shelters and rescues.
Gator Kennels' Cat-Hotel is extremely easy to clean, with the appropriate kennel cleaner. The box of the unit is made out of PVC plastic, while the custom gates are made out of HDPE plastic, both of which are naturally antimicrobial. The material will not absorb water or urine, is insect, flame, and chemical resistant, and is 82% more insulated than plywood! By utilizing our Cat-Hotel unit as cat cages for shelters it can significantly reduce many of the health concerns mentioned above.
Don't take our word for it, check out what one of our Cat-Hotel customers had to say: "..Since we have replaced our stainless steel cages with Gator cages, our upper respiratory infections are almost non-existent and our kitties love them!..," Stephanie B.
Reducing the common illnesses in the facility not only makes for healthier and happier cats but it cuts the cost of medication for the organization and allows more cats to be adoptable!
Gator Kennels' Cat-Hotel complies with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's minimum requirements of 10 sq ft per cat with at least one resting shelf for long term boarding of cats. Our Cat-Hotel can house 2 cats, one upstairs and one downstairs, and each cat has 18 sq ft of room! That 18 sq ft includes 2 resting shelves, 2 cat portals, one leading to a feeding area and the other leading to a liter box area.
Both cat levels feature two slide doors. Each cat portal has a sliding door that can be used to close the cat out of the top feeding area or the bottom litter box area, making it super easy to clean and feed without the worry of the cat escaping. While the Cat-Hotel unit can house two cat individually, there is a trap door that when not in place allows the complete unit to be accessible.
Oh, and did we mention that the Cat-Hotel's main gate can be customized with a logo or design?! Non-profit organizations also get a 5% discount and the customization fee of is waived!
We hope that June 2019 will hold the highest cat adoption rates ever recorded! We are proud of our Cat-Hotel and the rescues that utilize our units for their kitties who are patiently waiting to get adopted by their forever families!