Finding the Perfect Bedding for Your Pet

There are so many choices for pet bedding out there! This blog will help break down the process of finding the best fit for your pet.
- The features that are most desired in pet bedding.
- The many different uses for pet bedding.
- All the different types of bedding available.
- The benefits of ProFleece pet bedding.
Desired Features for Pet Bedding
Our pets are more members of the family than ever before, so naturally we only want to use the best products possible for them. Bedding is no exception. While there are many different things pet owners want in their bedding here are some of the most common features:
- Non-Toxic
- Economical
- Provide adequate padding as well as warmth
- Easy to Clean
Non-Toxic Material
Any one else envision the skull and cross-bones label when they hear the word toxic? Everyone knows that toxic is bad, its poison, harmful, dangerous, deadly, the list goes on and on. So, we do our darndest to steer clear of all potential toxins for ourselves and our loved ones including our pets. Dogs and cats are consistently licking and chewing pretty much everything, hence the importance of finding a bed that is non-toxic. Toxins can cause serious medical issues for our pets including digestive symptoms, seizures, full body systems shut-downs, and even death. So, #1 is the perfect position for this specific feature desired.
Economical Material
In a world where it feels like everything is consistently increasing in cost, finding an economical material is very important. Unfortunately, sometimes a cheaper price goes hand in hand with less quality, that’s why looking at all your desired features is vital. Plus finding an economically sound bed allows more fund to go to those adorable outfits and accessories for your furry family member!
Warmth and Padding
This specific feature might not be at the top of your list depending on your pet’s living arrangements. But just like we shop around for the softest mattress and most comfy bedding for ourselves, our pets enjoy the same cuddly accommodations. As much as our pets would love to snuggle up in your bed with you, that’s not always possible or the safest, so the next best thing is to find bedding that provides that comfy area for them.
Easy to Clean
This one can go hand in hand with the economical point. If we find bedding that is economical but hard to clean, we will end up spending more money to consistently replace the soiled or “heavily loved” bedding. Ideally finding a bedding that is easy to clean stretches our hard-earned dollars. Finding a bedding that is easy to clean saves you money as well as time.
The Many Uses for Bedding
Besides the very obvious use of bedding is for, well, bedding, there are many other uses as well. Including lining for whelping beds, in kennels at boarding facilities, and in veterinarian facilities.
Whelping boxes are used for pregnant dogs to give birth in and to contain the pups during the first weeks of birth.
Some boarding facilities require you to bring your own bed for your dog’s stay but some supply beds as well. Be sure to check with the facility that is going to take care of your pet before you drag all of the bedding material to the drop-off!
Common Types of Bedding
As stated at the beginning of this blog, there are many different types of bedding used. According to a learning topic from a college in Australia the following list shows the most common types of bedding used for dogs and cats:
- wollen blankets
- cotton sheets
- towels
- rubber matting
- shredded newspaper
- foam pads
All of the above examples have their advantages and disadvantages.
ProFleece VetBed
ProFleece VetBed ticks the majority of the desired material boxes. ProFleece is a product that is made in the UK and has been around for many years. While it isn’t well known in the United States or easy to find for that matter, it is a great bedding option for your pet.
ProFleece is made from 100% Polyester which makes it extremely durable. ProFleece will not unravel, it is long lasting and lightweight. The unique fiber blend keeps your pet warm in the winter and cool in the summer. It may be used indoors, outdoors, for kennel and vet pads, in the home as protection for furniture and upholstery, or as a great gripping surface to encourage the mobility of newborn pets. VetBed is widely used by veterinary clinics, breeders, and pet lovers for orthopedic problems, incontinence, whelping, illness, surgical recovery and for the general well-being of our furry friends!
This product is MUCH thicker and denser than anything you will find in the big box-stores! In addition to being soft and functional it can be rolled up for storage or transportation and will last for many years. And is super easy to clean!
There are two types of ProFleece, the Ultimate and Non-Slip.
The Ultimate ProFleece is also known as 'Green-back' Fleece, this material has a cloth back for easy machine-washing! Knitted from a double-strength, chew-resistant yarn, it is the "professional choice" for pet and vet bedding worldwide. Non-irritating, non-allergenic and machine-washable, this material can be used over and over. The Ultimate ProFleece comes in a variety of solid colors.
The Quality non-slip ProFleece is the same high-quality material as the Ultimate ProFleece - but has a ribbed non-slip rubber back for use on slick surfaces! The ribbed back also allows for fluid drainage - keeping the critters clean and dry! The non-slip ProFleece comes in a variety of solid colors as well as colors in a cute paw print pattern.
Both ProFleece options are great accessories for dog kennels as well as for cat housing and as even been used for guinea pigs and rabbits.
Gator Kennels is your #1 place to get your competitively priced ProFleece VetBed! We offer a variety of size which are cut at the time of the order to ensure it will be the perfect fit for your purpose. We also stock several different colors and prints for each type.
Be sure to check out our ProFleece Page for all the available sizes and varied styles we offer!
You won’t find a better quality, safer, or more cost-effective bedding material than ProFleece VetBed! And your furry family member will thank you!